EYEON Zero Inspections



At EYEON Property Inspections, we led the market by first introducing rebates for buyers and then – Open Access Inspections service that reduced the upfront cost for buyers by 80%, while enabling sellers to address property issues before marketing commences.

Now we’ve done it again with our EYEON Zero inspection service. EYEON Zero means property buyers pay Zero to access EYEON inspection reports, get first class follow up service and immediate protection through our internal quality assurance system and our PI insurances. And like with any other EYEON report, EYEON Zero reports are provided independently at all times.

With EYEON Zero, buyers never pay more than Zero.



Property Inspections for Real Estate Agents - Strata Reports or Building Reports
1. The seller of the property makes an investment in our service.

2. We complete an inspection: a Building and Pest Inspection for houses or a Strata Records Inspection for apartments.

3. The seller gets better information about the condition of their property and can deal with any major issues upfront. They are supported by our customer service team.

4. The selling agent also receives a copy of the report that can be displayed at Open Homes.

5. The report is also uploaded to our website and is available for buyers to download at any time at Zero cost, enabling faster and more confident decisions. It is essential that buyers download EYEON Zero Reports from our website so that they are protected by our PI Insurance and receive quality follow-up support.

6. The selling agent receives advice each time a copy of the report has been accessed, enabling improved feedback on buyer interest.

7. And an EYEON Advisory Letter will automatically cover agent’s legal obligation to disclose availability of an inspection report to buyers.



Enter suburb or postcode to request an inspection and follow the prompts or simply call us on 1300 798 274.

Request an Inspection



We have been expressing concerns about so-called “free” reports for years, you can find out why here. But two most important problems we see with “free” reports is absence of any customer protection, leaving all parties exposed, and no customer service.

Yet, the industry seems to ignore these important aspects and this practice is only growing. So we came up with a professional and safe solution, that makes EYEON Zero service different from any other “free” reports model out there.

1. “Free” reports aren’t really free. Buyers only get a document, but if they want to receive follow support and be covered by the inspector’s insurance, they have to pay a sizable fee. EYEON Zero includes the same professional follow up support and buyer protection as any other EYEON report.

2. “Free” reports could expose agents and vendors to legal action. By giving “free” reports to buyers, agents are providing detailed information about properties they are selling. Buyers are told they can’t rely on the information in these reports without paying a fee, but we know they do rely on it. So, who is liable if the information is wrong? The information provided by the agent might constitute false and misleading information, regardless of any disclaimers included within the report. EYEON Zero allows buyers to get instant access to reports and follow up service, while protecting agents and vendors from any liability for the content of the report. Buyers can rely on EYEON Zero reports and are immediately protected by our insurances.

3. “Free” reports are often questionable quality. Inspectors providing “free” reports do not believe they are “on the hook” and don’t offer any follow up support. Quality can decline quickly in these circumstances. This might increase the legal exposure for agents and vendors. “Free”-report inspectors are usually one-person operations as well – who checks their work? EYEON Zero includes quality control reviews on every report. We know even the best inspectors aren’t perfect. Maintaining high quality isn’t easy. It requires internal and external feedback and review, ongoing training and accountability for all work undertaken.

4. “Free” reports don’t get updated if information changes, and buyers are not kept up-to-date. EYEON Zero offers automatic updates if new information comes to hand. Buyers are sent updated reports by email.

5. “Free” reports handed out by agents lack independence and are viewed suspiciously by buyers. Buyers will take the report and may not criticise it, but that doesn’t mean they trust it. EYEON Zero provides the brand and reputation EYEON is famous for. Buyers trust our reports and service – we know because they tell us.



We have a big advantage over all other inspection businesses: We Care More!

That means we care enough to:

Put our name behind every report. All our reports are EYEON reports. Many other businesses simply upload reports in the inspector’s own business name. Why does that matter? Because it means you get protection and quality you won’t find anywhere else.

Have a full-time customer service team who supports you throughout the process.

Do more than just talk about quality. We make sure we deliver it. We do that by using a 100% quality assurance process that no other inspection firm offers. We aren’t saying we are perfect but we know that many errors in reports occur because the work of inspectors isn’t checked properly (or at all in most cases).

Keep our reports up-to-date. That means if you carry out repairs or a new meeting was held in your building, our report will be updated to reflect this.

Selling Property - Strata Reports and Building Reports


We pride ourselves on our high-quality, thorough yet easy-to-read reports. And if you have any questions,
our customer service team and inspectors are there to assist you as much as they can.

See a Strata Report See a Building Report